Be sustainable and responsible:
Venice and its Lagoon is a World Heritage site

Did you know it ?
Venice and its Lagoon is an area of about 550 square kilometers (ca. 213 square miles).

It has been in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1987, as it meets all criteria for inclusion:
Six indisputable reasons to come and experience Venice’s uniqueness, in a sustainable and responsible way.
Do you want to know them? Read further!

Venice and its lagoon (detail) - courtesy of

Venice, six indisputable reasons
for being so unique (and worth visiting)

1. Venice represents 
a masterpiece of human creative genius;

2. Venice exhibits an important interchange of human values on developments in architecture
and technology, monumental arts town-planning and landscape design;

3. Venice bears a unique, exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition
and to a civilization which is living;

4. Venice is an outstanding example of architectural ensemble and landscape
which illustrates significant stages in human history;

5. Venice is an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement
which is representative of a culture and a human interaction with the environment
which has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change;

6. Venice is tangibly associated with events and living traditions, with ideas and beliefs,
with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance


Sustainability: My Creed

1. be ambassador and custodian of both the territory and its cultural heritage

2. inform about our community’s rules and instill awareness of the surrounding cultural, geographical and socio-economic environment

4. guide visitors around trying not to hinder the social and working life of the host community

5. suggest a slower pace of travel: this improves the emotional quality of one’s visit and fosters contact with the host community

3. use flexibility and adaptable communication registers to illustrate artworks, museums, and landscapes

6. suggest alternative paths and experiences, enhancing lesser known cultural resources

7. refine communication and linguistic skills in order to communicate history, traditions, typical products, making every experience memorable

8. help visitors focus on respecting the cultural and environmental heritage, and on safeguarding its integrity.

9. build my narration in order to trigger a positive, durable memory

10. devote myself to lifelong learning

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Sustainable tours in Venice
Dorsoduro, a view on the Church Angelo Raffaele on a cloudy winter day

A sustainable experience is better

Your stay in Venice may
turn into a memorable,

fulfilling experience, if your city tour:

is customized

is meant to safeguard the integrity of the place and its living fabric

focuses on environmental issues

is awareness-raising on the less known highlights

is designed for reducing and/or mitigating your environmental footprint

makes you feel a “temporary resident” rather than a tourist

encourages to getting involved rather than simply remain a spectator

is striving to make Venice’s special environment remain unspoiled for future generations

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Be sustainable !

always keep the right when walking down the narrow alleyways

make sure to leave a passage, should you stop to take a picture from a bridge

walk as far as you can

prefer the “site specific”: discover the “Scuole”

visit as many churches (and their site-specific treasures) as possible

buy fresh food from our “osterie”

avoid drinks or food ‘to go’ with packaging (please help reduce the waste)

recycle your empty bottle and refill it at the public fountains
(see map of fountains in Venice)

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In Venice, keep the right
           In Venice, keep the right